If you meet the criteria and would like to apply for this Scholarship:

Step 1 – Choosing a Course

Choose the course you wish to study. Some subjects allow a focus on particular areas. For example, Middle Eastern Studies allows for a focus on Islamic Studies or Hebrew Studies (amongst others). This will not be relevant to all the subjects listed here. Please cross refer with graduate.study.cam.ac.uk/courses.

Step 2 – Application to the College for the Scholarship


  1. A statement of no more than 1,000 words setting out how you meet the criteria above, addressing also how you hope to use this Scholarship for your future work;
  2. A tailored CV detailing your qualifications and work history (no longer than 2 pages);
  3. A short covering letter set out which course you are intending to apply for, and if relevant, the focus/specialism of the course;
  4. A copy of the University application (referred to at Step 3. It is possible to download this once completed)

By post to The Admissions Office, St Edmund’s College, Mount Pleasant, Cambridge CB3 0BN or by email to admissions@st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk by midnight on 28th February 2023.

Step 3 – Application to the University for the Course to be Studied
  • Complete a University/Department application form online by midnight on 28th February 2023. This will also require a statement, but this statement should address why you should be accepted by your chosen Department. It should not focus on your community activities unless they are directly relevant to the course you are applying for. A passing reference is ok but this may be the space to mention other interests.
  • This application must list St. Edmund’s College as your first choice of College. The Scholarship is dependent upon you being accepted by the Department in question on the course of your choice. Departments usually decide on whom to admit by the end of March.
  • Applicants should consider the research interests of their chosen university departments before crafting their project proposals.
Step 4 – Interview

If called, attend an interview with the Trust and the College. Travel expenses will be reimbursed on production of receipts. Interviews will be held on 5th May 2023.

Please note that we will only contact you if you have been successful for shortlisting. If you do not hear from us then please assume that in this instance your application has not been successful.